Workout des Tages 15-12-9Dumbbell ThrusterDumbbell Box Step ups16/14 Calorie Row♂15kg/ ♀10kg
Workout des Tages 15-12-9Dumbbell ThrusterDumbbell Box Step ups16/14 Calorie Row♂15kg/ ♀10kg
Workout des Tages Teams of 260 Bench Press800m Run (together)40 Bench Press800m Run (together)20 Bench Press800m Run (together)♂60kg/ 70kg / 82,5kg♀ 40kg/ 45kg / 52,5kg
Workout des Tages For time60m Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge50 Alternating Single Dumbbell Step-ups50 Kipping Handstand Push Ups30mHandstand Walk♂15kg / ♀10kg
Workout des Tages Teams of 25 sets (each/1:1)35 Double Unders10 Front Squats5 Power Cleans♂52,5 kg / ♀35kg
Workout des Tages 40/32 Calorie Row30Stick Sit Ups*25 Burpee Box Get Overs (24″/20″)40Stick Sit Ups*40/32 Calorie Row
Workout des Tages For Time:10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1Sumo Deadlift High Pull12 Wall BallsSDHP ♂40kg / ♀25kg, WB ♂9kg / ♀6kg
Workout des Tages 20 min AMRAP15/12 Calorie Row12 Shoulder Press6 Strict assisted Pull-ups30kg / 20kg
Workout des Tages Teams of 21750/1500m Row150 Wall Balls1750/1500m Row100 Dumbbell Box Step Ups1750/1500m Row– ♂9kg + 15kg/ ♀6kg + 10kg
Workout des Tages 16:00 Amrap16 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch12 GHD’s to Medball (Or Stick Sit ups)12 Box Jump Overs♂15kg, 20-24″ / ♀10kg, 20″